Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Transformation Cheer

Is there such a thing as “blogblock” if so I think I must have been going through it! I have been busy, but not really so busy that I could not have put my thoughts on paper. During the last few weeks I have avoided both my paper journal and my blog, not for any conscious reason, simply because when I have been before them I have gone blank. I’m not going to over think this, but find it curious!

One thing I was challenged to do for an upcoming event was a “Cheer”; the theme "Transformation." Since this is Easter weekend it seemed fitting to share it here.
Easter is indeed about the hope of transformation. We are reminded that at any moment in any day the circumstances and conversations can be a catalyst for change. To allow transformation to occur we must willingly open up to the moment. Resurrection reminds us that even the most tragic events can become powerful agents for change in us and the world. May this Easter event bring hopeful change to our world.


At any age transformation begins in us and spreads to others.

            Turns life around

          Renews the spirit

          Awakens the heart

          Names truth

          Seeks options
          Forgives freely

          Opens community

          Respects others

          Maintains hope

          Advances peace

          Trusts God

          Inspires action

          One in Christ

          Now we begin!

May we have the courage to allow transformation in ourselves, our planet and the universe that we may see a new day of peace and sustainability.