The rich tapestry of persons and places that filled my days after May 12, were emotionally and spiritually absorbing. At the end of each day I found myself in deep reflection and often Bill and I fell into silence. I have not yet found adequate contemplative time to sift through notes and pictures and put them into words. What I can say is that Berea, Gethsemani Abbey and New Harmony are sacred spaces that profoundly touched my soul.
Soon after I returned from vacation, a close friend of mine died. She was the person who encouraged my writing, and as we shared in conversation she helped me shape my thoughts. I have not yet had time to process that loss, it was profound at many levels.
I have many projects on my plate at the moment, all exciting and challenging, so life is good! If my blog readers will indulge me I am going to try to discipline myself by writing a little every day – even if it is not of great value, or great writing - because I believe that the more I (we?) write the more clarity I (we?) have in our thinking and writing. I would appreciate your comments and sharing on any and all subjects, as you have the time. It is good to know that I have companions on the journey.
My latest haiku below was inspired by my visit to Gethsemani Abbey, in Kentucky.
Mist over the trees
Diamond dew grass under foot
A new day dawning.
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