Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I was really amazed when I realized how long it had been since I lasted posted on my Blog. How could so much time possibly have passed without my noticing. During that time I certainly said to myself "today I should blog!" How easy is for "life" to take over and allow us to pass up what is important personally in order to carry out the daily routine.

Obviously when I last wrote in my blog I was at a busy frustrating place in my life - although I not aware of it! It was only when I returned to the page and read it that I realized, and wondered frankly "who is this person?"

I was jumpstarted into returning to this spot when a friend called and asked if it was OK to list my blog in a flier for an upcoming retreat that I am leading. I said yes and noted that it had been dormant for a while - I didn't realize how dormant until I came to my page and saw the date of the last post with shock,

So I caution my readers (and I hope I will have some) to give time everyday to things you love. Value the time you have each day and those things that nourish your soul and keep you connected. 

The retreat I am leading is based on writings by Sue Monk Kidd from her book "Firstlight" it includes some of her early writings, which explore her journey as writer and spiritual seeker.  We will also watch the movie "Secret Life of Bees" adapted from her first novel, and spend time together telling our own stories and enjoying some personal time  at our Sacred Space in Montour, IA.

Taking time for ourselves is of utmost importance, it reaffirms our value, restores our souls and helps us refocus. I hope you will visit me in the coming days and share your journey with me.

Weston Priory, VT  is a place in which I have taken time to restore my soul periodically since 1969. It is also a place in my mind to which I can return

 at any moment and find peace. I encourage each of you to cultivate such places in your life so that in your moments of stress you can breathe, close your eyes and transport yourself to that place in which your soul is restored.

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